Kenneth Ruthven

After teaching in schools in Scotland and England, Kenneth Ruthven joined the Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge where he is now Professor of Education and has served as Chair of the Science, Technology and Mathematics Education group and as Director of Research for the Faculty. His research focuses on curriculum, pedagogy and assessment, especially in school mathematics, and particularly in respect of the complex and contested process of adaptation to technological innovation. Ken(neth) is former Editor-in-Chief of Educational Studies in Mathematics, recent Chair of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, current Chair of Trustees of the School Mathematics Project (SMP), and a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (AcSS). Further information, recent projects and selected publications can be accessed at
Presentation Title:
The Re-sourcing Movement in Mathematics Teaching: Some European Initiatives
Presentation Description:
Re-sourcing involves teachers devising their own operational curriculum scheme and curating materials to support it, rather than relying on some externally developed programme. By drawing on varied sources to design new materials or adapt existing ones, mathematics teachers can create a tailored scheme that both respects systemic imperatives and resonates with local context and culture. Equally, through such an approach, teachers can deepen their understanding of the basis for effective use of these resources. This devolved style of curriculum elaboration has become increasingly popular as advances in digital technology have broadened the range of accessible sources and available media, facilitated the preparation and modification of materials, transformed the diffusion and evaluation of open resources, and fostered the creation of user communities. This talk will offer a critical appreciation of the re-sourcing movement, drawing on European examples, notably the now longstanding drive to institutionalise re-sourcing across the English school system.